This one’s for my husband.



I am the tempest,

you are the calm.

I am the chorus,

you are the song.

You are the rhythm,

I am the dance.

You are the reason,

I am the chance.





You are the rudder,

I am the sail.

I am the quest,

you are the grail.

You are the breath

that kindles my spark.

I am the flame

that glows in your dark.


Love changes the boundaries

between black and white

to radiant fullness

like shadows and light.


For my husband.

My aunt and uncle

It’s like the soft spot on the leather couch,

the soft, supple spot on the 

leather couch.

You always sit there, 

but it never wears out.

Love takes time…

Love takes time.


It’s like the knob that opens 

the cupboard door,

the shiny knob that opens 

the cupboard door.

Each time you use it, 

it shines even more.

Love takes time.

Love takes time.


Done with fireworks,

but still glowing.

Steady, like sweet

water flowing,

our love is based on a 

quiet knowing. 

Love takes time.

Love takes time.


It’s like that book you’ve read

a few times through. 

That deep, rich book you’ve read

a few times through.

Each time you read it,

you learn something new.

Love takes time.

Love takes. time.


Also for my husband.


The reason that I love you

is  because you are 

the one God gave to me.

Sweet water flows 

from this well.

Drink deep and you can tell

It flows from God

for us alone.

Be satisfied.

The reason that I love you

transcends words that

can be spoken.

The reason that I love you

is a promise that can’t be broken.


The reason that I love you

reaches deep to

tap our essence.

The reason that I love you

puts flesh and bone to 

God’s presence. 

Sweet water flows 

from this well.

Drink deep and you can tell

It flows from God

for us alone.

Be satisfied.